Ndeipi mitengo yako?

Our prices are subject to change depending on supply and other market factors. We will send you an updated price list after your company contact us for further information. Please contact with our salesmanager Mr Leon with leon@pbtyarn.com. He will quote you based on your requirements. thank you!

Iwe une hushoma hwekuodha huwandu here?

Yes, we require all international orders to have an ongoing minimum order quantity. But we can offer small free samples for trial. Any question,please contact with our salesmanager Mr Leon leon@pbtyarn.com ,he will give you advice. Thank you!

Unogona here kupa magwaro akakodzera?

Hongu, tinogona kupa zvinyorwa zvakawanda zvinosanganisira Zvitupa zveAnalysis / Conformance;Inishuwarenzi;Mabviro, uye mamwe magwaro ekutumira kunze pazvinodiwa.

Ndeipi avhareji yenguva yekutungamira?

Izvo zvinoenderana nemamiriro edu emasheya, isu tichazvisimbisa zvinoenderana nekupedzisira kurongeka.Kazhinji, kana iri mustock, saka nguva yekuendesa iri mukati memazuva manomwe.Samples ichave mukati memazuva matatu.

Ndedzipi mhando dzenzira dzekubhadhara dzaunogamuchira?

Unogona kubhadhara kubhengi account yedu,
30% dhipoziti pachine nguva, 70% chiyero chinopesana nekopi yeB/L.

Kana L / C pakuona, L / C mazuva makumi matatu.Ndapota simbisai nemutengesi wedu musati maodha.wazviita!

Package Type

Isu tinopa kwaakarerekera katoni package uye fekitori yedu pachedu pakeji.isu tinopawo Pallet + makatoni mhando.